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Melts Fat Like Crazy: This Amazing Drink Guarantees Great Results



  • 1 tbsp apple juice
  • 1 tbsp ground chili pepper
  • Lemon juice and lemon zest (use 1 lemon)

Peel the lemon, and cover the lemon peel with 8 oz ( 240 milliliters ) of hot water.
After 10 minutes, add some lemon juice, apple juice and ground chili pepper. Stir well before every sip, and consume this drink after every meal.

Why is this drink that good?

Ground chili pepper boosts digestion and metabolism and stimulates the fat burning process. Namely, capsaicin, an ingredient found in chili peppers, stimulates the nervous system to produce warmth in the body, which stimulates the calorie burning process.

Lemon contains the only ingredient which slows the deposition of fat, and lemon peel contains policosanol, beneficial in the fat burning process.

Apple juice, actually the regular consumption of apple juice in moderate amounts, helps in the dilution of fat.

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